Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery Celebrates Feast Day
Etna’s Orthodox Christian Community Gathers Together for Feast Day

The Feast Day of Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery in Etna, California, was celebrated on the Second Sunday of Great Lent, March 18 (Old Style). The monks celebrated the Feast along with the nuns of the Convent of Saint Elizabeth the Grand Duchess of Russia, the parishioners of Saints Cyprian and Justina Orthodox Church, the faculty and students of Saint Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary, and many visiting pilgrims.

His Grace, Bishop Maximus of Pelagonia, a Visiting Instructor at the Seminary and resides at the Hermitage of Saint Ignatius the God-Bearer in Guatemala, was also in attendance and gave a sermon about the inspiring life story of Saint Gregory.

After the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, the nuns from the Convent of Saint Elizabeth the Grand Duchess of Russia served a festal meal at the Saint Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary with help from the students.

Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery was originally co-founded in 1976 by the ever-memorable Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Etna and Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland in Highland, California, and later moved to Hayesville, Ohio. The Brotherhood moved to its present location in Etna, California, in 1983. We ask our readers to keep Etna’s Orthodox Christian community in your prayers and may Saint Gregory Palamas intercede on behalf of the Monastery dedicated to him!